Monday, March 14, 2011

Week 4 Day 10

1st Block :
we racapped onquantities and why we need to know about it. We also flilled an a cutting list ona BBQ table as a exampler I found it quite confusing and still dont understand it.

2nd Block :
The class splitted into 3 groups and given there own topic to research on. In my group was William, Mark and Brendon as our leader and our topic was Timber Grading & Evaluation.

3rd Block :
We started on the project saw stool . We started with a rough block of timber and we ha to mark it out and cut it and dress all four sides using the surface planer and thicknesser.

We had to use our eyes to check the block of timber if it had a bow or we placed it on a level surface to check which side to plane off.


Bowing is concave/convex distortion along the length of the board.

It is a seasoning and or storage defect caused by the failure to support the board with stickers at sufficient intervals.   The boards own weight and probably those above it bears down and the resultant bow is inevitable.
This defect can and should be avoided by careful use of stickers supporting the board at the correct width.

Using the surface planer,

Nick showed us how to use it and adjust the guards so we can use it safely. We wore PPE like Ear muffs and Safety glasses.

When coming to the end of the cut we had to use a PUSH BLOCK so we keep our fingers away from the blades. The main use is to protect your fingers away from the blades.

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