Monday, March 28, 2011

Week 6 Day 16

1st 2nd & 3rd block :
In the workshop nearly the whole day trying to finish the saw stool.
A saw stool is also called a saw horse. It has four legs, which can be made of timber or pressed metal. The head is made of timber.
A saw stool is normally used as a bench to hold timber, whilst it's being sawn.
For the brace we had to mark fifty in and then switch it around and mark fifty again then marked the the points together and did the same to the other side. Cut it with the crosscut saw. Then put the 2 pieces together and nail it to hold together while you plane on the vice. Check to see if the surface is square using a try square and hold it against the light and if you see a gap then its not. Then flip the saw stool upside down and measure the angle at the back of the cleat with a sliding bevel and then mark that against the brace mark each brace 1 and 2 because the angles might be different. After marking i clamped it to the table with a g clamp then cutted it with a tenon saw so i can get an smooth finish.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Week 4 Day 12

1st Block
In the workshop and I was behind in practical because students were working on the saw stool while I was fininshing off drawing board for assessment. I drilled the legs in and it was secure with the galvanesd screws and PVA glue. I chose to light sand it by hand to give it that natural look and smooth

Monday, March 14, 2011

Week 4 Day 10

1st Block :
we racapped onquantities and why we need to know about it. We also flilled an a cutting list ona BBQ table as a exampler I found it quite confusing and still dont understand it.

2nd Block :
The class splitted into 3 groups and given there own topic to research on. In my group was William, Mark and Brendon as our leader and our topic was Timber Grading & Evaluation.

3rd Block :
We started on the project saw stool . We started with a rough block of timber and we ha to mark it out and cut it and dress all four sides using the surface planer and thicknesser.

We had to use our eyes to check the block of timber if it had a bow or we placed it on a level surface to check which side to plane off.


Bowing is concave/convex distortion along the length of the board.

It is a seasoning and or storage defect caused by the failure to support the board with stickers at sufficient intervals.   The boards own weight and probably those above it bears down and the resultant bow is inevitable.
This defect can and should be avoided by careful use of stickers supporting the board at the correct width.

Using the surface planer,

Nick showed us how to use it and adjust the guards so we can use it safely. We wore PPE like Ear muffs and Safety glasses.

When coming to the end of the cut we had to use a PUSH BLOCK so we keep our fingers away from the blades. The main use is to protect your fingers away from the blades.

Week 3 Day 9

Today went straight to practical I still got my toolsso thats good. Now that my board is dry. The surface was uneven and the sides were not square. In groups of 6 Keri showed us seperately how to use safely the thicknesser so we can trim to a desired width/thickness and table saw to make the edges square when we used these machinery we had to wear PPE like ear nuffs and safety glasses.

Next block back in the Now that the my drawing board is dressed I marked out the Handle then drilled two holes so I could cut from the inside using a jigsaw. Nick showed us how to use it first. I havent used it before but it was quite easy to use I made some pretty straight cuts with it. Overall today I think my working pace is too slow it just last year I was in a small class and used to the teacher telling me what to do after each thing.

Week 3 Day 8

1st block we explored on some websites like

2nd block we were in the workshop and started making the drawing board first we had to make the top so we marked out 3 boards so we can cut sum biscuit joints. Before we used nick showed us how to us it safely and how to adjust it. Ive already used it before so i had no problem cutting the hole. Afterwards we used PVA (Polyvinyl acetate) glue and held them together with sash clamps. We had to leave it for one day too dry. Whilst we were working on the Drawing board we were also learned to use the skilled saw we were shown how to use it. On my first cut it was crooked as and after a few more tries it got better but still crooked i struggled maken straight cuts with it.

Week 2 Power Tools Research

Biscuit Cutter

A biscuit joiner or sometimes plate joiner is a woodworking tool used to join two pieces of wood together.

Circular Saw

The circular saw is a metal disc or blade sometimes with saw teeth on the edge as well as the machine that causes the disk to spin. It is a tool for cutting wood or other materials and may be hand-held or table-mounted.


A drill or drill motor is a tool fitted with a cutting tool attachment or driving tool attachment, usually a drill bit or driver bit, used for drilling holes in various materials or fastening various materials together with the use of fasteners.

Planer Buzzer

A jointer (also known in the UK and Australia as a planer or surface planer, and sometimes also as a buzzer or flat top) is a woodworking machine used to produce a flat surface along a board's length.
The jointer derives its name from its primary function of producing flat edges on boards prior to joining them edge-to-edge to produce wider boards. The use of this term probably arises from the name of a type of hand plane, the jointer plane, which is also used primarily for this purpose.


Back To Week 1 Non Consented Building Research

What size can i build ?

Different types of foundations ?
Pile, continuous or sread footings, foundation walls

Type of floors ?
Brick, tile, flagstone, cement concrete , terrazzo

Type of wall framing/ roof framing - timber treatment

The main type of lumber for walls is the 2x4, also called a stud. These studs are mostly arranged vertically.
Cladding : interior materials


Points To Consider :

- Look at the plan before starting ( after each step always go back to the plan )

- Identify boundary lines

- Determine ground conditions

- Check for services

- Verify location of building

- Set-out profiles, brace, mark building line batter boards

- Longer building line the better it is ti square off

- Lines are at right angles a method you could use is the 3,4,5.

- Checking for coorect dimensions, square, level

- Mark building lines on the ground.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Week 3 Day 7

First block we were discussing about calculations which includes finding out the :

Area. A = L x W

Volume. V = L x W x H

When nick was teaching us i was really bord because i already did that at school and its really easy but i just helped out the people who were struggling

2nd block we played touch for like 2 hours whilst we were waiting for our tools. When we got my tools i was excited because it was my first tool kit and they were brand new. We got things like Hammer, hardback saw, tyy square, chisels, nail punches, riving knife, pencil, measuring tape and a apron.
We were given keys for our lockers so we can lock our tools away when theyre not in use.