Sunday, February 20, 2011

Site Safety

About Us

Site Safe New Zealand is dedicated to reducing deaths and injuries in construction. Incorporated in 1999 Site Safe is an independent, not-for-profit industry wide organisation whose aim is to promote improvements in the health and safety practices of the construction industry.
Our Vision: Site Safe is the leading advocate for improving the culture of safety in the construction industry.
Our Mission: To promote and advance a culture of safety in the construction industry.
Injuries and deaths in the construction industry sectors are costly, not just in dollar terms, but also because of the human suffering they cause.
The fragmented nature of the construction industry and its highly competitive environment are just two of the reasons why injury prevention requires industry wide co-ordination.
Site Safe New Zealand undertakes the research, development and co-ordination of health and safety activities designed and targeted at the construction industry. Activities with the specific aim of reducing construction site injuries and deaths.
The Government sees this initiative from an industry as a role-model for other high risk industries to follow.

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