Monday, February 28, 2011

Double Glazing

What is Double Glazing ?
Double glazing is made from two pieces of glass sealed together with an air space in between. A double glazed window sits in your window frame just as regular single glazing would, but provides a number of extra benefits. Whether you are looking to keep your home warmer, quieter or reduce condensation.

Heres another link that gave me some good info on double glazing

Week 2 Day 6

First block we did a few sketches of a sketchboard that we would probly be making next week as our little project. I drew 3 elevation views of it. We also discussed about construction mathmetics and what really matters and the stuff we need to know that would help us out in the building site. We talked about Area , volume and pythagorus. Afterwards we then played this buzzy quiz game about maths on the computer called "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire".

Monday, February 21, 2011

Week 2 Preliminairies Research

I did some research on preliminaries and I found out that the Department of building and housing is responsible to ensure that good quality homes and buildings are built in New Zealand. I visited the website of this department and it helped me get most of the answers.

What is the purpose of the building act and regulations ?
The main purpose of the building act is to improve control of, and encourage better practices in, building design and construction.

Building regulations form an important part of New Zealand’s building controls.
Building regulations are made under and in accordance with the Building Act 2004 (the Act). The type of regulations that can be made, including the process that must be followed when creating new regulations are given in Sections 400-415 of the Act.
The Building Regulations 1992, and subsequent amendments, were made under the Building Act 1991 but are now treated as if they were regulations made under the Act. However, the majority of the 1992 Regulations were revoked on 31 March 2005 by the Building (Forms) Regulations 2004. The only part of the 1992 Regulations continuing in force is Schedule 1 Link to the New Zealand Legislation website. containing the Building Code.
What is the function of the building code ?

What is the function of the building code ?
The Building Code sets out performance standards that building work must meet, and covers aspects such as structural stability, fire safety, access, moisture control, durability, services and facilities.

What is the building code ?
The Building Code consists of two preliminary clauses and 35 technical clauses. Each technical clause contains:
  1. an Objective - The social objective that completed building work must achieve
  2. a Functional requirement - What the completed building work must do to satisfy the social objective
  3. Performance criteria - Qualitative or quantitative criteria which nominates how far the completed building work must go in order to comply.
Under which law are you covered at work ?
All workers are covered by the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 which is to promote the prevention of harm to all people at work, and others in, or in the vicinity of, places of work.

Info from department of labour site

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Site Safety

About Us

Site Safe New Zealand is dedicated to reducing deaths and injuries in construction. Incorporated in 1999 Site Safe is an independent, not-for-profit industry wide organisation whose aim is to promote improvements in the health and safety practices of the construction industry.
Our Vision: Site Safe is the leading advocate for improving the culture of safety in the construction industry.
Our Mission: To promote and advance a culture of safety in the construction industry.
Injuries and deaths in the construction industry sectors are costly, not just in dollar terms, but also because of the human suffering they cause.
The fragmented nature of the construction industry and its highly competitive environment are just two of the reasons why injury prevention requires industry wide co-ordination.
Site Safe New Zealand undertakes the research, development and co-ordination of health and safety activities designed and targeted at the construction industry. Activities with the specific aim of reducing construction site injuries and deaths.
The Government sees this initiative from an industry as a role-model for other high risk industries to follow.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Ii just made a blog page its pretty easy just like makin a bebo page.
Yesterday was my first day at m.i.t with the entry to carpentry course. I first arrived late but it didnt matter hahas. There were alot of us probly 80 students i reckon so we had to split up into 4 classes. i got put in Nicks class hahas funny guy even. After we got put into our groups we were shown around the campus and talso the other where the marae was.After that we played some funny activities to test our skills we have with building like nailing, sawing and estimation with measurements.Id say the first day was good and buzzy.